Quiz: Biggest and Best Buildings Of The New Millennium
Can you tell a Frank Gehry masterpiece from a Zaha Hadid one? A Gherkin from a Shard? Take our architecture quiz and put your skyscraper smarts to the test
We live in an age of destination architecture with cities across the globe competing to attract visitors through the sheer scale and audacity of their landmark buildings. Today, the names of star architects are dropped casually into conversation in the way that great film directors or painters were spoken of in the past. Quite simply, the most impressive architectural designs are cultural reference points that define the cities we live in.
In that context, we invite you to test your architectural know-how with our quiz of the biggest and best building projects of the new millennium.
Is your architectural knowledge grounded on solid foundations?





















[Photos: Aqua Tower, Flickr; Bahrain World Trade center, Wikimedia Commons; Costanera, Flickr; The Met, Wikimedia Commons; O14, Flickr; Leadenhall Building, Wikimedia Commons; Manitoba Hydro, Wikimedia Commons; CCTV, Wikimedia Commons; Capital Gate, ADNEC; Boutique Monaco, Mass Studies; 8 Spruce Street, Teri Tynes/Flickr; Rolling Bridge, Heatherwick Studio; Marina Bay Sands, Wikimedia Commons; Burj Khalifa, Wikimedia Commons]
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