More than a plot twist, camera shot or killer soundtrack, great lines in cinema have a habit of becoming immortal. Our favourites, limited to one per movie and spread across many decades, are memorable for a variety of reasons. Some encapsulate a character, some cap a moment perfectly, and some are just incredibly cool. (Language and spoilers ahead.)
The Princess Bride, 1987. Hero Westley (Cary Elwes) puts a whole script’s worth of love and devotion into three little words, conveying a breathlessly romantic sentiment in the most understated of ways. A mantra for those who aren’t put off by ‘kissing books’. Watch the clip.
Marathon Man, 1976. These three words, however, will strike terror into any initiated viewer. Dustin Hoffman has no idea what this phrase means as it is uttered by Sir Laurence Olivier’s Nazi war criminal just before horrific torture. Its ambiguity makes the scene unbearably tense. Watch the clip.
Jaws, 1975. Roy Scheider famously ad-libbed this line which, after a whole first act of teasing, finally reveals the size of the titular monster. One of the most famous lines in cinema, the actor was reportedly inspired by a catchphrase that emerged on set from producers frustrated by the film’s reputedly troubled shoot. Watch the clip.
Harry Potter and The Deathly Hallows Pt 2, 2011. The final reveal of Severus Snape’s character, not as a dark villain but as a tragic, heartbroken hero. The word became symbolic of why Potter fans loved the series, and was used in tribute to Snape actor Alan Rickman after his passing in 2016. Watch the clip.
Sunset Boulevard, 1950. Norma Desmond’s final, tragic delusion has become the catchphrase for any of us hungry for our moment in the spotlight. Ironically, most use it without the film’s context, which underlines the damaging effects of lost fame. Watch the clip.
300, 2006. Part rallying cry, part grim realisation of what awaits his troops, King Leonidas’ unforgettable line was taken directly from history (with the real Leonidas quoted as saying ‘Hades’ instead of ‘Hell’). In a film filled with quotable moments, this remains a brash stand out. Watch the clip.
The Usual Suspects, 1996. The boogeyman of Bryan Singer’s thriller, Keyser Söze, is never truly revealed (although we have our theories). This misquote of poet Baudelaire encapsulates the tone of the film, where no one can be trusted and the ‘devil’ may be the last person you suspect. Watch the clip.
Predator, 1987. You could fill a book with iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger lines, and while “I’ll Be Back” is brilliant, Predator’s upcoming 30th anniversary reminded us of this gem, which is both heroic and a lot of fun to imitate. It’s little wonder it gained a second life as a popular meme in the internet age. Watch the clip.
Mean Girls, 2004. Chief ‘Plastic’ Regina George’s (Rachel McAdams) vindictiveness is at its peak as she shoots down friend Gretchen’s attempts to create a new slang term. On social media, the line is paraphrased to address anything or anyone deemed to be forced upon culture or society. Watch the clip.
Annie Hall, 1977. Many of the relationships in Woody Allen’s films have complicated twists and turns. Refreshingly, his pithy, humorous take on the breakdown of his relationship is thoughtful and relatable. Watch the clip.
Withnail and I, 1987. Richard E Grant’s shambolic, drunken actor sums up his predicament beautifully, illustrating the chaos of the cult favourite British comedy. Incredibly, this comes relatively early on in the film, and things only get worse from there! Watch the clip.
In The Heat of The Night, 1967. An important moment in cinema – and American culture. The delivery is what makes this line great, with Sidney Poitier’s dignity and defiance in the face of a bigoted Southern cop (Rod Steiger) making a powerful impact at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. Watch the clip.
When Harry Met Sally… , 1989. This punchline to Meg Ryan’s demonstration of faking an orgasm was delivered by director Rob Reiner’s mother, having been a relatively minor scene initially. It’s still referenced today, and those brave enough can sit in the very seat where Ryan’s ‘performance’ happened at Katz’s Deli in New York. Watch the clip.
The Warriors, 1979. Accompanied by a chilling clash of bottles, and actor David Patrick Kelly’s creepy voice, this infamous line heralds the beginning of the film’s climax, signalling that our heroes have nowhere left to run. The scene, which doesn’t feature any music, is the most striking of Walter Hill’s film. Watch the clip.
Fight Club, 1999. The murky creation of Tyler Durden is realised in the most famous speech from the turn-of-the-century fable. Hundreds of TV shows and films have referenced the line, which takes our primal fascination with violence and gives it a secret code. Watch the clip.
Toy Story, 1995. Let’s be honest, who hasn’t shouted this at one point before doing something a little bit daunting? The line sums up Buzz Lightyear, the fearless counter to Woody The Cowboy, and added him to the pantheon of masterful Disney icons. Watch the clip.
The Godfather, 1972. Often misquoted as “I’m going to make you an offer…”, the phrase has come to be synonymous with people of great persuasion. The remark makes the evil of Don Corleone’s business sound elegant, and personifies the life his son Michael (Al Pacino) is trying to escape. Watch the clip.
Dead Poet’s Society, 1989. Mr Keating’s (Robin Williams) first lesson, whispered to his new English class, is one that speaks to everyone. It popularised the Latin phrase, and inspired a generation to live their own lives to that philosophy. Watch the clip.
The Terminator Series, 1984. Michael Biehn’s blunt instruction in the first film was repeated throughout the sequels. Perhaps most significantly by Arnold Schwarzenegger’s T-800, signifying his switch from villain to hero in the second film. Short and badass, it’s up there with the great action one-liners. Watch the clip.
Taken, 2008. Bryan Mills’ promise to his daughter’s kidnappers, set perfectly to Liam Neeson’s Northern Irish brogue. In a one-minute long scene, the actor – who prior to that had mainly dealt in lofty dramas – became an action hero for the new millennium. No doubt you’ve tried to deliver the line yourself once or twice! Watch the clip.
Casablanca, 1942. A legend of Hollywood’s Golden Age at his most charismatic. Bar owner Rick (Humphrey Bogart) shows a heartbreaking moment of tenderness as he decides to put the future of his beloved Ilsa (Ingrid Bergman) before his own happiness. Despite his claims, he really was good at being noble. Watch the clip.
Taxi Driver, 1976. Travis Bickle (Robert De Niro), a nobody who dreams of being a somebody, quietly lives out a fantasy in another classic scene that came from improvisation. The script simply read “Travis speaks to himself in the mirror”, with De Niro turning that stage direction into a pop culture landmark still quoted today. Watch the clip.
Scarface, 1983. Al Pacino’s defiant performance as Tony Montana is epitomised in this line, screamed during his final stand. Even when the odds are against him, our anti-hero’s boundless self belief results in this battle cry. The line has been popular ever since, synonymous with the film’s enduring popularity as a cult classic. Watch the clip.
Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, 2004. Of all the punchlines that came from Will Ferrell’s masterpiece, few were as ridiculous and side-splitting as dim-witted Brick Tamland’s (Steve Carell) attempt to connect with his peers about love. Either used as a way to express not knowing what to say, or as a reminder of the hilarity of the moment, it’s a zinger that has entered the public consciousness. Watch the clip.
Pulp Fiction, 1994. The thread that pulls Quentin Tarantino’s multifaceted story together. Jules Winnfield (Samuel L Jackson) could easily have been a cold-blooded killer, but the Bible verse reveals the conflict inside. To the bemusement of some, it has become more famous in film than its original format, even being referenced in the second Captain America film. Watch the clip.
Rogue One, 2016. The moving mantra of faith from Chirrut Îmwe (Donnie Yen) has become a fan favourite in a very short time. A riff on “May The Force Be With You”, Yen’s performance gave it a gravitas not normally seen in a summer blockbuster. Watch the clip.
Sudden Impact, 1983. The signature moment of Clint Eastwood’s storied career became one of the best-known of all time. Fans included President Ronald Reagan, who used the line during a 1985 speech. When the Commander-In-Chief quotes you, you know you’ve made an impact. Watch the clip.
American Pie, 1999. Not so much a quote, but a new word entirely. The acronym (meaning “Mom I’d Like To…”, well, you know the rest) was popularised by John Cho’s character in the film. It has since become a commonly used – if crude – term, even making it into the Oxford English Dictionary. Watch the clip.
Back To The Future, 1985. There are few more enticing set-ups for a sequel than Doc Brown’s final line from the first part of his adventures with Marty McFly. Found on t-shirts and numerous merchandise related to the film, it sums up the trilogy’s sense of excitement and fun. Watch the clip.
Whiplash, 2013. The tipping point of J. K. Simmons’ terrifying instructor, where the surface civility drops, exposing a monster obsessed with an idea of perfection. This anxiety-inducing exchange is one of many that makes the film unforgettable, and anyone who knows the film will no doubt bristle at that line. Watch the clip.
Field Of Dreams, 1989. That’s right – HE, not THEY. One of many film lines remembered differently in culture (Bogey never said “Play it again, Sam”, Kirk never asked Scotty to beam him up), a version of this line has become a metaphor for The Law of Attraction. Watch the clip.
Goodfellas, 1990. Lots of films have great final lines, but not many open with one. Martin Scorsese immediately set in stone the intentions of his lead character, a man who would always view a life of crime with a degree of romance. Watch the clip.
On The Waterfront, 1954. The last lament of a scoundrel, Marlon Brando’s famous line has been used to describe anybody who had potential, but just didn’t make the grade. A standout moment in American cinema from one of its greatest practitioners. Watch the clip.
The Exorcist, 1973. More subtle, and in some ways more chilling than the more graphic scenes in this film. This line, and the scene that follows it, portray The Devil inside Regan as not some profanity-spewing monster, but an intelligent being aware of Father Karras’ plan – and intent on stopping it. Watch the clip.
Mad Max: Fury Road, 2015. Nux’s declaration, which was also the tagline for the film’s poster, gives insight into his mind and that of his fellow ‘War Boys’. Driven by illness and fanaticism to believe dying historically was their ultimate aim, it adds an edge to the film’s epic chase. Watch the clip.
Network, 1976. In the 40 years since the movie’s release, outgoing news anchor Peter Finch’s outburst has been used by TV shows, books and other films either as a call to arms for the disenfranchised, or simply as a lampoon of someone having a breakdown. Watch the clip.
The Hunger Games Series, 2012-15. The most recognisable line from the dystopian saga starring Jennifer Lawrence is memorable for the many ways it’s used by the characters – as a blessing, a threat or a grim premonition. It’s now referenced online for more trivial things, such as getting tickets to a must-see concert. Watch the clip.
Trainspotting, 1996. Ewan McGregor’s bitter monologue about the mundane nature of adulthood is a captivating justification of his character’s addiction (“I chose something else”). The speech became a top 10 single, a poster that adorned the walls of university student housing the world over, and was updated for this year’s sequel, T2: Trainspotting. Watch the clip.
There Will Be Blood, 2007. The last power play of the vindictive Daniel Plainview, who breaks his rival (Paul Dano) and revels in his victory. It’s a striking scene, with a line that sounds peculiar out of context (particularly when doing an impression of Daniel Day-Lewis’ character) but soul-stirring to those who know. Watch the clip.
Big Trouble In Little China, 1986. It’s such a common phrase that it’s hard to believe this ‘80s actioner coined it, yet fans of John Carpenter’s film insist this is where the phrase was popularised, if not created. A suitably gung-ho legacy for the film’s hero, the impossibly macho Jack Burton. Watch the clip.
Pay It Forward, 2001. This 2001 weepy did leave something of a legacy, with its title and main concept entering the public consciousness (although the phrase had been around for years). One of the few examples where a line or title may have had more impact than the film itself, which was an unremarkable flop. Watch the clip.
Airplane! 1980. A simple play on words, combined with Leslie Nielsen’s extraordinary deadpan, made this one of the funniest exchanges in film history. The deceptive comedy is exactly what made the film so influential to those that came after, particularly in the spoof genre. Watch the clip.
A Few Good Men, 1992. The brutal climax of two actors trading theatrical blows is remembered simply for its power. Jack Nicholson blew audiences away in one of his finest moments as he spelled out the disturbing grey areas that engulf a military’s protection of its country. Watch the clip.
Frankenstein, 1931. Maybe the earliest famous movie quote, by virtue of the fact that talkies had only been around for about 10 years at that point. Colin Clive’s rapturous response is an iconic moment for the horror genre, becoming heavily associated with the character despite not being a line in Mary Shelley’s novel. Watch the clip.
Almost Famous, 2000. The late, great Philip Seymour Hoffman speaks comfort for all those who didn’t get the girl (or guy), including Patrick Fugit’s heartbroken music journalist. Just one of many reasons why the film remains so beloved. Watch the clip.
Chinatown, 1974. A breathtakingly clever, simple line that explains the futility of fighting the system, just as Jake Gittes (Jack Nicholson) rallies against the futility of his own cause. It’s a dark but apt way to end a film that never moves out of the shadows. Watch the clip.
Die Hard, 1988. Detective John McClane won over fans with his flippant nature, laughing – or rather smirking – in the face of danger. After finally connecting with policeman Al via a dropped corpse, this line made him a bona fide action hero. Watch the clip.
The Dark Knight, 2008. Alfred’s (Michael Caine) intervention, explaining that Batman’s (Christian Bale) foe The Joker (Heath Ledger) wants nothing except chaos, is a scene of sheer brilliance. Bringing a complicated ethos to the traditionally broad comic book movie, it helped create the myth of Ledger’s character, both with the citizens of Gotham and cinema audiences. Watch the clip.
Lost In Translation, 2003. A famous line that just happens to be a complete mystery! The loving goodbye shared between Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson was as talked-about as any quote, but Murray’s words were unscripted and to this day remain a secret between the actors (not even director Sofia Coppola knows!). Watch the clip.
The Big Lebowski, 1998. How many famous quotes have started a religion? Much of The Coen Brothers’ script for this film can be recited by devotees, but “The Dude Abides” became the basis for an online religion, Dudeism, which is practised to this day. Not bad for a film that was initially a critical and commercial flop. Watch the clip.
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