Discover the extraordinary bicycle accessories that will give your bike that extra touch of style and charm.
By James Lee-Tullis
Chalktrail: The perfect gift for younger cyclists, simply hooking the Chalktrail to the back of a bike instantly turns it into a macrom spirograph. Create giant mandalas or leave behind a Hansel and Gretel trail on your next adventure.
Bell Bugle Bicycle Horn: Why ring, when you can trumpet your signals with this wonderfully retro-styled bugle horn?
The Brooks Limited Edition Cambium Saddle C17: Brooks remains a beacon of quality for those in search of vintage-style bike accessories, but the Cambium C17 shows their innovative side with a flexible saddle produced from “vulcanised natural rubber and organic cotton enhanced by a thin layer of structural textile.”
Bicycle Mustache: Does your bicycle really need a jaunty clip-on moustache? Of course! The perfect accessory for the modern dandy or aspiring hipster alike.
Penny In Yo Pants: Crowdfunded on Indiegogo and now available for purchase, this ingeniously simple device makes it easier for women (and Scotsmen), to cycle while wearing a dress, skirt or kilt.
DIY How to Build a Wood Bike Basket: Follow these basic instructions to construct your own wooden bicycle crate to carry bags and shopping. Who needs baskets?
Ring To It Bike Bell: This appealingly chunky geometric bell was the winner of the Dutch Design Challenge 2014 and is now on general sale.
Bicycle Wine Rack: This brass and leather wine bottle holder is surely the ultimate accessory for connoisseurs of fine wine and vintage bicycles.
InCOG Multitool: This clever device finally answers the age-old question of how to store (and carry) bike tools in a more straightforward and less cumbersome way.
Classic Bicycle Headlamp: What this classic headlamp offers in retro charm it matches in modern high-tech efficiency thanks to its ultra-bright LED light.
Basil Rattan Darcy Bike Basket: What can beat the strength, flexibility and timeless aesthetic appeal of a classic rattan bicycle basket?
Japanese Bike Bell: Less is more with the classic Japanese bike bell in brass or, right on trend, copper.
Fuze Wheel Writer: With 12 images and animations, including a real working speedometer, this smart idea encourages kids to cycle more while helping keep them safe and visible.
Geometric Handlebar Vase: This oh-so chic geometric handlebar vase is designed in subtle mint green and is 3D-printed in nylon.
Leather Bicycle Cup Holder: Simple but stylish, this leather bicycle cup holder is stamped with delicate flower designs.
Carrera Foldable Helmet: The genius of this design is its sheer simplicity. The flexible frame of the helmet ensures a more comfortable design, and less storage space is required when not in use.
The Original Bike Shelf: Bicycle storage in urban areas is always an issue, but the Original Bike Shelf combines an attractive shelf with a practical way to hang your bike.
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