Next time you’re separated from your smartphone and twiddling your thumbs for things to do, try one of these alternatives. They’re simple and easy to execute, occupy little or no space in your handbag, and will keep you gainfully occupied through life’s little lulls – on the bus or metro, in coffee queues or check-out lines, during commercial breaks or while waiting for your lunch date to arrive.
Doodle, Colour Or Sketch – When was the last time you reached for a pen or pencil and doodled, sketched or coloured creatively to your heart’s content? Don’t worry whether the output will be aesthetically pleasing or not– it’s how the activity will change your mind from being frazzled to peaceful that really matters. What’s more, you’ll relish the process just the way you did when you were little. So go ahead, put pencil/pen/crayon to paper and let the fun begin.
Correct The Text/Tech Neck – Did you know that all that time spent hunched over your smartphone or laptop in a chin-forward position leads to damage to the cervical disks as well as to posture overtime? Put your free time to good use and perform this simple, restorative exercise that biomechanist Katy Bowman suggests for correcting the Text/Tech Neck.
Solve A Sudoku Puzzle/Crossword – Some evidence suggests that attempting Sudoku puzzles and crosswords improves cognitive function and neuroplasticity in the long run and staves off dementia and Alzheimer’s – two of the greatest pitfalls of ageing. So next time you’re tempted to thumb a tiny screen and there’s none, think neurobics and flip to the puzzle section of a newspaper.
Write A Letter – Keep some basic stationery handy in your bag, and write a letter to a friend, colleague or family member who’s made a difference to your life. No need for long, wordy letters – just a few thoughtful sentences that take no more than five minutes of your time. Go on, make someone’s day!
Do Nothing – Research shows that constantly busying ourselves and stimulating our minds with information not only lowers productivity and creativity, but also depletes our nervous system and drives us to exhaustion. Instead, give your grey cells a break for a while. Do nothing – just sit back, and let your mind wander. Do it frequently, and you’ll be surprised at the long-lasting benefits – from increased focus and clarity, to even a new idea or two
Write In A Journal – Spending time alone? It’s the perfect time to pen your thoughts in a pocket-sized diary and jot down daily emotional experiences or things you’re grateful for. Psychologists have discovered that doing it regularly gives you a happiness boost. Try it out and see for yourself.
Meditate – We’ve all heard of the benefits of meditation. Once you’ve learned the how-tos, you can practise it anywhere and at any time – on public transit, while waiting for your meeting, at a park and so on. Just remember to find a quiet spot or, alternately, drown out the outside noise with earplugs, then close your eyes and breathe deeply.
Plan Your Next ‘Healthy’ Meal – You won’t believe how many main meals get skipped or morph into last-minute junk food bites simply because we’re all too busy occupying our time with smartphones. Utilise spare time to plan your next healthy meal; do this consistently, and you’ll soon be on your way to a fitter and healthier you.
Compose A Poem – Ilka Heinemann, author of 101 Things To Do Instead Of Playing With Your Phone, suggests stringing a list of words together (sex, asphalt, traffic lights, Easter Bunny, tomato and grey) creatively into a poem. All you need is pen, paper and a little imagination.
Read A Book – Crack open a good old-fashioned book (e-readers can lead to online distractions), and begin by reading a few pages wherever, whenever. Although it may seem like a passive activity, science says reading boosts your brain power, improves memory, reduces mental stress, expands your emotional intelligence and even eases depression.
Knit, Crochet Or Try Macramé – Most of us crave the distraction of making something ourselves with our own two hands. So why not try out a trendy, guilt-free and meditative hobby like knitting, crochet or macramé! Keep a small bag of supplies handy for free-time emergencies.
Make A To-Do List – Stop procrastinating; make a to-do list of all the chores and errands that need to be completed and start doing them. Remember that once-upon-a-time satisfaction that came from crossing things off your list? Rediscover it.
Take A Nap – Feeling bored? Here are some pretty solid, science-backed reasons why you should opt for a short power nap: It’ll (1) increase happiness, (2) improve alertness, (3) prevent burnout, (4) lower blood pressure, (5) reduce mental errors, (6) curb cravings, (7) keep anxiety at bay, (8) improve learning and work performance, (9) ignite creativity and (10) keep your heart and brain clean and healthy.
Do Something Outside – There’s nothing more refreshing and energising than going outside, inhaling the fresh air and soaking in the surrounding scenery – which is why we suggest you take a walk in a park, run or go biking to reap the benefits to the fullest.
Read a Newspaper Or Magazine – Yup, the kind you can pick up off the rack in any convenience store or supermarket. Offset the feel of a glass touchscreen with the sensory appeal of paper, even if for a little while.
Strike Up A Conversation With A Stranger – Rediscover the lost art of engaging in small talk with complete strangers (use your judgment). Start with a simple ‘hello’ and go with the flow – who knows, this could be the start of something wonderful and may even blossom into a lasting friendship!
Practise Mindful Observation – Wherever you are, pick any natural object from your immediate surroundings, e.g. a flower, a rock, a leaf, etc. Imagine you’re seeing it for the first time. Observe it carefully, from all angles, without assessing it. Immerse yourself in it completely. Notice how you’re occupied in the moment. The more regularly you practise this, the more connected you’ll feel and the less your mind will be caught up in the past or the future.
Take Photos And Videos With A Regular Compact Camera – Next time you’re out and about, keep a compact digital camera handy. Experiment by taking several pictures of the same object in different modes (varying light, angles etc.). You’ll be surprised what you’ll learn in the process.
Do Some Discrete Exercises – There are several small and subtle exercises you can do in public, while standing in queues and sitting at tables, without getting noticed or appearing silly. No equipment required. See here and here for details.
Play A Brain Game – Brain games are challenging, help you think clearly and creatively, and will keep your mind agile for a long time to come. Test your memory and attention span by studying your surroundings for a minute. Then without looking around, jot down as many items as you can remember. Try again, but this time after active observation and track your improvement. You can even try portable games like Rubik’s cube or tangrams.
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